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Discussione: Serge Nubret

  1. #31
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2006
    Fuckin' Animal


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da GabrieleTI Visualizza Messaggio
    j'suis totalement d'accord avec vous, malheuresement on peut voir cette attitude "positive" envers la médecine dans presque toutes les salles de gym... aujourd'hui la Culture Physique n'a que très peu à voir avec l'esthetisme et le BIEN-ÊTRE.

  2. #32
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2002


    Non conosco il francese
    "Come soleva dire il mio prozio buonanima...lo sterco di cavallo si spande quando lo si calpesta"

    "Come soleva dire il mio prozio buonanima...ascolta sempre lo scorrere del fiume, ma sta attento sempre a non bagnarti"

    "Come soleva dire il mio prozio momento della partenza arriva quando meno te lo aspetti"

  3. #33
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2006


    Hi Mr Nubret, for many bodybuilder the change of era in the bodybuilding was the 1983, when the pound of bodybuilder start to grow, but wasnt a really change the new intensive traing of Mike Metzender and after, this training influence until the Dorian Yates reign ?When he was started trainig, Joe Weider was stopped trainig ?In the 50's was huge in the 70's had lost more poud.Whose your bodybuilder/friends he do a workout recently with you ?

  4. #34
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2006
    Fuckin' Animal


    minkia che padronanza della lingua ...

  5. #35
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2006


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Corvette Visualizza Messaggio
    I can't believe that! Welcome to our forum, Mr. Nubret!
    Just a stupid question What's your best bench, squat and deadlift?
    Bench press = 225 kg
    Squat = 250 kg
    Deadlif ???????? I don't know


  6. #36
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2006


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da GabrieleTI Visualizza Messaggio
    j'suis totalement d'accord avec vous, malheuresement on peut voir cette attitude "positive" envers la médecine dans presque toutes les salles de gym... aujourd'hui la Culture Physique n'a que très peu à voir avec l'esthetisme et le BIEN-ÊTRE.
    That's truth, C'est vrai, c'est domage.


  7. #37
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2006


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Corvette Visualizza Messaggio
    Non conosco il francese
    What about english?


  8. #38
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2006


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da newtj Visualizza Messaggio
    Hi Mr Nubret, for many bodybuilder the change of era in the bodybuilding was the 1983, when the pound of bodybuilder start to grow, but wasnt a really change the new intensive traing of Mike Metzender and after, this training influence until the Dorian Yates reign ?When he was started trainig, Joe Weider was stopped trainig ?In the 50's was huge in the 70's had lost more poud.Whose your bodybuilder/friends he do a workout recently with you ?
    Yes that's truth about when and why the body builder of the years 70/80 passed. But I think that most the body builders of now are lazy, they don(t want to suffered anymore. It is like a farm of chicken who want to grow chicken like tha old time? Not enough profit, so it is the same in body building, Money dirty everything, and more money will take over more Body building will have nothing about a sport, it is about the same in every sport, look about cyclist.


  9. #39
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2005


    serge ma l'italiano lo capisci un po' ?

  10. #40
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2002


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da serge nubret Visualizza Messaggio
    Bench press = 225 kg
    Squat = 250 kg
    Deadlif ???????? I don't know

    Cool!! Massive bench and massive squat Mr. Nubret!! My best squat is 200 kg with only a belt and i have been training for a very short time. My body is built to squat but my upper part is not so good.
    What do you think about overhead pressing? I am a big fan on it. I can't bench press very well because my left bones (omero) was broken due to an accident. So i can only do overhead pressing and a lot of squat.

  11. #41
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2002


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da serge nubret Visualizza Messaggio
    Yes that's truth about when and why the body builder of the years 70/80 passed. But I think that most the body builders of now are lazy, they don(t want to suffered anymore. It is like a farm of chicken who want to grow chicken like tha old time? Not enough profit, so it is the same in body building, Money dirty everything, and more money will take over more Body building will have nothing about a sport, it is about the same in every sport, look about cyclist.

    I agree with you. I am big fan of 80's body building. I think commercial gyms are the worst place to grow newbie bodybuilders and lack of equipment is the main problem. I made a lot of phone calls to find out a cool place to train myself.
    Power rack is the best stuff to improve squat, bench and deadlift. I do a lot of squat, pin pulls on it.

  12. #42
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2006
    Poi te le dico...!


    Yes, I think that a lot of people who have a gym are only businness man and not so appassionated to this newbie learn wrong notice about how to grow..and for many people drugs seems to be the only way. That's the reason why we write on this forum. We believe that natural bodybuilding it's a "possible" thing.

    So, can you tell some things on your life, now you go to the gym??
    What you think about arnold and his political career??

    Friday 8th december here in Italy we could see Mr.Olympia 2006 in TV. What you think about jay cutler and Ronnie??

    Thank you a lot!!

  13. #43
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2005
    166 x 63 kg @ <9% BF

    Predefinito ooooo my goddddddddddddddddd

    o my god...
    the greatest Bodybuilders of every time writes on an Italian forum?

    I don't succeed in expressing what I have within in so few lines... for me to talk to her has always been a dream, and this desire of mine now comes true. I have read what is on his account in the web, I have as his photos in how much for me she expresses the physical perfection.

    I take advantage of his presence to ask her a thing: how does he train athletes natural? I would like to use his system but I would not bear so long trainings. set, reps, rest between set, session x week... and so on.....

    Thanks in advance Serge.
    Ultima modifica di Eastern boy; 12-12-2006 alle 11:17 AM

  14. #44
    Data Registrazione
    Apr 2006


    Mr. Nubret on an italian forum? This is a fantastic event. Your (I can? ) body were an art work, perfect lines and a fantastic proportion. You are a living legend. Compliment.

    ps. excuse me for my imperfect english

  15. #45
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2006


    Sono Paolo, l'amico italiano e collaboratore di Serge. Serge mi dice che ha il pc rotto e sabato ne acquisterà uno nuovo per poter rispondere ai suoi fans italiani, e mi chiede di scrivere ed avvisarvi nel suo topic !

    DETTO, FATTO !!!

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Siamo nati nel 1999 sul Freeweb. Abbiamo avuto alti e bassi, ma come recita il motto No Pain, No Gain, ci siamo sempre rialzati. Abbiamo collaborato con quella che al tempo era superEva del gruppo Dada Spa con le nostre Guide al Bodybuilding e al Fitness, abbiamo avuto collaborazioni internazionali, ad esempio con la reginetta dell’Olympia Monica Brant, siamo stati uno dei primi forum italiani dedicati al bodybuilding , abbiamo inaugurato la fiera èFitness con gli amici Luigi Colbax e Vania Villa e molto altro . . . parafrasando un celebre motto . . . di ghisa sotto i ponti ne è passata! ma siamo ancora qui e ci resteremo per molto tempo ancora. Grazie per aver scelto
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