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Discussione: Integratori essenziali

  1. #1
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005

    Sorpreso Integratori e come usarli

    Spero che questo post chiarisca un po' le idee su quali integratori prendere, e i loro dosaggi, su quelli che funzionano e quelli che sono fregature; alcuni sono disponibile solo negli USA e Gran Bretagna:

    L' articolo e' in inglese:

    - You CANNOT get good results without it regardless if you use the supplements!!!
    1.) Food - In the proper amounts, at the proper times, and with the proper breakdown of macronutrients. As a rule of thumb, one should take in between .9-1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body weight. Thus, if you are 200lbs at 20% bf, you have 160lbs of lean body weight. That means you should consume between 150-250 grams of protein per day depending on your goals. Your fat intake should always hover around 25-30% of your total caloric intake. Less than that decreases test production, more than that can be detrimental to your overall health and will add up in calories quickly. Your carb intake should be determined based on your goals. To increase muscle mass, your carb intake should be adjusted up. If you are looking to lose fat, then you should adjust it down. I am a firm believer that keeping fat and protein constant (slight variances are of course acceptable) while adjusting carb intake is the best way to gain mass, lose fat, or maintain mass/weight.

    2.) Rest - Everyone is different when it comes to sleep. Some prefer a full night's rest. Some enjoy less sleep nightly with a nap or two during the day. The main point is this, your body burns fat, produces test, and recupperates when you sleep. No less than 7 hours is acceptable, and I would shy away from more than 9-10 hours on any given night. If you are tired, and you are able, then take a nap. There are some great supplements that can help with sleep, they are listed below.

    3.) Workout - This should be a no-brainer, but so should the others. Make sure you are working each body part at least once a week, but no more than twice. You should allow 72 hours between working out the same body part. Thus, if you do chest monday morning, you should not hit chest again until Thursday morning at the earliest, if at all. Also, keep your workouts to between 1-1.5 hours. Longer workouts increase the chances of catabolism, and burn lots of calories. Chances are if you are doing 2-3 hour workouts, you are overtraining, unless you train with a group of 3 people.

    - These are supplements that should be the staple of your workout/nutrition/supplementation plan all year round. These products can be taken all year round, and will improve recovery, strength gains, and overall health.

    1.) Multivitamin - A good multivitamin should only need to be taken once per day, twice if you are a really big guy who doesn't get too many "real food" meals. It may be best for you to get a multi that does not have iron, or very little of it, as too much iron is not recommended. With a high protein diet, you should not be deficient in this respect. A multi with a high amount of vit. c is great, as you can use alot of this.

    2.) EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) - These are omega 3, 6, and 9's. More specifically this is Alpha Linolenic (LNA), Linoleic (LA), and Oleic acid (OLA). There isn't enough that can be said of the benefits of efa's. They improve cholesterol, help burn fat, provide energy, lubricate joints, improve vision, and make your skin and hair healthier. General they are obtained from a combination of Flax seed oil, Borrage Oil, Fish oil, and Safflower oil. Ideally you would take in a good amount of each type, as they each have their own benefits. As a rule of thumb, get 5-7 grams of efa's daily. You can also get them from nuts, fish, many different seeds, and oils.

    3.) Protein (Whey, cassein, etc) - As I stated above, protein is essential to building muscle and losing fat. In order to get te correct amount of protein each day many people need to supplement with a protein powder. There are several factors to consider, including price, protein per serving, taste, mixability, and ingrdients. I believe that two protein shakes a day is ideal, one being a whey shake or bar post workout to the tune of about 30-40g. The other would be a cassein shake about 30 minutes before bed to the tune of 25-30g. You can take in more or less, and there are many threads discussing taste, how well they mix, etc.

    4.) Creatine (mono, kre, cee) - In simplest terms, creatine is the most studied, most effective, most necessary true mass building supplement. What type you choose is really a matter of personal preference and cost. Creatine mono is the original, it generally comes in powder form and should be taken two times per day with high carb meals. Generally breakfast and post workout are the most common times. It should be taken to the tune of about 6-7g per day. CEE, or creatine ethyl ester, is creatine mono with an attached ester that aids in absorbtion. For some people who do not respond to mono, this may be a better choice. CEE should be taken at the same time, but can be taken in smaller amounts, say 4-5g per day. CEE should also help those who "bloat" on mono, which is the result of holding water outside of the cells, rather than intracellularly. Kre-Alkalyn in another form of creatine monohydrate that is created at the ideal ph level for absorbtion. It is theorized that by creating creatine at the optimal ph level the body can completely absorb creatine without converting any to creatinine. Again, kre-alk should be taken at the same time, but does not require a high carb meal for better absorbtion. You can take 3-5g per day with good results.

    nota bene CEE e' la nuova forma di creatina che ha rivoluzionato il mercato americano e inglese, e' assorbita dal corpo quasi completamente, che non gonfia (no water retention), e che favorisce l' aumento della massa magra e della forza.

    5.) BCAA's (Branched chain amino acids) - BCAA's are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These are three of the nine essential amino acids. More importantly these amino's are metabolized in the muscle, rather than in the liver. Large doses of bcaa's can aid in cell volumizing (allowing the cell to hold more water and nutrients), muscle recovery, and avoiding catabolism. It would be a great idea to take bcaa's immediately before working out, or during a workout, and again post workout or before cardio. They can also be taken before sleep at night. Anywhere from 5-25g per day can show good results.

    - These are products that can be added to any diet/workout routine. Their effectiveness often depends on the person, but there is scientific or andecdotal evidence for strong results.

    1.) Acytel L-carnitine - Is an amino acid that can greatly help aid in muscle endurance. Ideally, one would take in about 4-6g per day for optimal results, generally 30 minutes prior to a workout, or split into two doses, one preworkout, one later during the day.

    2.) ZMA - This is acombination of zinc and magnesium in asparate form (easier to absorb), with b6. ZMA serves several functions. Firstly, zinc and magnesium are essential minerals that americans often do not get enough of. Secondly, zma helps to maintain healthy test levels, and can even slightly elevate test levels in older males. Lastly, it will help you get a great nights sleep. Sleep is generally much deeper after taking zma about 30-45 minutes prior to rest.

    3.) L-Taurine - Taurine is another amino acid that can greatly help muscle recovery, relief from cramping, and is a proven cell volumizer. Taurine should be taken in 2-5g amounts prior to workouts.

    4.) Citrulline Malate - CM is a relatively new supplement with great potential for increasing cardiovascular endurance, muscle endurance, and no production. CM should be taken in split doses for best results, 3g before working out, and 3g later in the afternoon.

    5.) Antioxidants/b complex - anti-oxidants defend the body against free radicals. The amount of free radicals in the body greatly depends on stress levels, which greatly increase with intense weight training. The most important aspect of the anti-oxidants is the ace vitamins, vit. a, c, and e. Vit. e is not water soluable, so it is important not to take in more than 600-800iu's per day. The b complex is the complete set of b vitamins. Several of the b vitamins have anabolic properties, and are great for heart health, acne, and vision. These are all water soluable vitamins, so overdosing is almost impossible

    6.) R-ALA/K-R-ALA - This product is a great staple of any supplement program. ALA in these forms can aid in energy production by breaking down sugar to form atp. It is essentially an insulin mimetek that can greatly benefit diabetics, as it drastically removes sugar from the blood. It is essentially a partitioning agent that takes our nutrients and forces them to go where they are needed most, such as towards muscle development. It also has antiinflammatory properties. 500mg/day is a good dose, but results can be seen from 250-750mg/day. I would suggest Prima R-ALA, Glucophase xr by Designer Supps, and perhaps Insulean K by nutrabolics when more info comes about.

    7.) L-Tyrosine - A non essential amino acid that can be a great benefit to those who have long intense training sessions, or those who train very frequently. Tyrosine is also beneficial to the skin and may be useful in preventing skin cancer, especially for those who are overexposed to UV light. Tyrosine is a precurser to dopamine so it has also been shown to alter mood by heightening well being and decreasing signs of depression. Most importantly it has been shown to offset fatigue and stress which are often elevated by intense resistance training. Tyrosine should be taken in small doses at first, say 1g per day. Dosing up to 3-4g per day depending on the individual may prove more beneficial.
    Ultima modifica di shorinryu; 30-06-2005 alle 02:24 PM

  2. #2
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005

    Sorpreso Seconda parte


    - FAT LOSS:

    If you are looking to losr fat, there are several proven supplements that can aid you in that quest. Nothing can subsitute for proper diet, nutrition, and exercise, but these products can help you break a plateu. You will find that several products have a combination of these products. It is imperative to find the products in the correct amounts, as several of these products are not effective if taken in lesser quantities. Some of the better, and more popular fat burning products are:

    MAN scorch
    S.A.N tight
    Nutrex Lipo 6

    1.) Yohimbe/Yohimbe HCL- A naturally occuring supplement that aids in unclogging arteries, increasing bloodflow, increasing fatty acid mobilization, decreasing fat storage, and increasing libido. 5g per day is an optimal dose, that should be broken into 2 doses, one prior to workout, and one later in the day. If you are taking the hcl version then dosing should start low to determine tolerance, perhaps 5mg per day. You can then work up to 20-25mg per day depending on your lean muscle mass.

    2.) Gugglesterones - This product stimulates thyroid production which directly effects metabolic rate. Guggles should be taken 3 times per day with doses between 50-100mg each time. A total of 300mg for pure gugglesterones would be the max for a day.

    3.) Caffeine - Quite simply, caffeine is a stimulant, and taken in proper doses will increase metabolism. It also causes an increase in energy which can provide longer, more intense workouts in which more calories are expended. Caffeine should be taken in the morning, to the tune of 200-300mg per day. If you are sensitive to caffeine, start at a lower dose and assess your tolerance.

    4.) Sesamin - Sesamin is a super fish oil (please see essential supplements above). It has many great qualities, including anti-inflammatory, anti-oxident, and stress relief. Most importantly for those looking to lose fat is that it directly impact fatty acid oxidation. Since the science behind it is quite advanced, i'd suggest reading more at

    5.) Green Tea - For some people green tea would fall in the essential supplement category. I believe that it has its great many benefits, but it still best suited to those looking to lose fat. It has a thermogenic effect, thus increasing body temperature, and also has a substantial caffeine content (please see above). It has been said by some to be an appetite suppressent, but i wouldn't count on it. Anything that increases energy and body temperature would be hard pressed to decrease appetite. I would recommend Prima Lean Green.

    6.) 7 keto-dhea - This is a derivative of dhea which has been found to greatly aid in fat loss. 7 keto has been shown to decrease cortisol levels, and thereby increase test to cortisol levels. Cortisol induced fat accumulation is commonplace as it is generally stress related. 7 keto can be taken in doses from 50-250mg/day.

    7.) Pyruvate - Pyruvate may be the best fat loss product known to man. Unfortunately it needs to be taken in large amounts and is super expensive. Pyruvate needs to be taken in amounts near 25g per day in order to see optimal results. That means not only are you taking alot of pills, but you are also spending about $45-50 per month on pyruvate alone. It also has the potential to increase muscle endurance as it aids in making atp available to the body.

    8.) Chromium picolinate - Chromium in this form can be a great additive to any cutting stack. It has been shown to regulate insulin effects on the body, thereby improving the uptake of glucose (a wonderful thing). It can be reat for diabetics who are dieting but need to maintain a steady blood sugar level.

    9.) Ephedra - The single most powerful and effective fat loss supplement. It is now banned in some states completely, and available only in certain amounts in other states. None the less, it can be obtained through other avenues. Ephedra is a strong thermogenic that increases body temperature and gives the user a considerable energy boost. It does have some potentially severe side effects if not used properly. Please be careful and read this before using,


    hese are products that will aid in muscle building, and includes hormonal products that should not be used by anyone under 21 years of age. Many of these products have potentially dangerous side effects and should not be taken lightly. Please note that test levels in males are very high until about 24 years of age so most of these products are not necessary (other than no2) to get great results.

    1.) Nitric Oxide - NO2 is a controversial product that seems to be very user specific. Some people see excellent results, while others seem to see only minimal effects. It seems that dosing and timing are of utmost importance with NO2 products. NO2 works by dialating blood vessles which makes it easier for nutrients to be transported. I believe the best results will be seen when stacking no2 with other supplements for mass building. NO2 is safe for those 16 and over. Popular choices including White Blood, NO-Xplode, Nitrix, MRI NO2, NOX2, and Nitrox.

    2.) Natural test boosters - These products serve to increase natural test production using a combination of naturally occuring substances. The most common ingredients are:

    Avena Sativa

    Again, it is of utmost importance to find products that contain the correct amounts of each ingredient. Some of the more popular products in this category are: blue rhino, diesel test, tribex, and t-bomb II. I'd suggest waiting until you turn 21 for these also, though they are perfectly safe for those age 18 and over. You can find more info here:

    3.) Hormonal test boosters - These products manipulate hormone levels in order to increase test, decrease estrogen, or both. ATD is a new compound that has been shown to reduce estrogen levels and greatly increase test levels. These products should be used very carefully and never for more than 6-8 weeks. 6 oxo is another product in this category that can be used to increase test, but does so in a slightly different manner. It works by forcing the brain to produce more lh which directly increases test production. These products are for those 21 and over only. The best products in this category are: Rebound xt, novedex xt, ultra hot, 6 oxo, and kilo attack.

    4.) Anabolic products (pro hormones) - These products are designer steroids that are highly anabolic and are the ultimate in gaining muscle mass. Side effects with these products are more prevelent than with hormonal test boosters, and use of these products requires a PCT (post cycle therapy). The work by replacing the test in your body with another hormone, or by utilizing a mechanism that will create a target hormone. In either case, the result is an increase in intracellular capacity, protein synthesis, and muscle endurance and recovery. During the use of these products suppression of natural test production occurs, this requires a series of products and time to restore, this is pct. Some side effects include, loss of libido, hair loss, acne, sore joints, and lethargy, among others. These products should be used by those over the age of 21 only and are potentially very dangerous if not taken under strict guidelines. I DO NOT in any way condone the use of illegal compounds****
    Legal compounds: Superdrol, Ergomax, Elephant Max, Max LMG, and Prostanozol.

    Illegal Compounds: M1T, 4ad, 1ad, Nordiol, 1,4 andro, and many others.

    These products generally do not work for users and have flawed science, or science that does not transfer to the real world.

    Myostatin products
    Methoxy products
    Ecdysterone products
    HGH enhancing products

    - Some supplements are argued on a daily basis and results may vary greatly based on dosing, the person using them, timing, other supplements being used, and a host of other factors. I have listed them below

    Glutamine products
    HMB products
    Tribulus products
    Muscle tech products
    Animal Stak products

    Ultima modifica di shorinryu; 30-06-2005 alle 12:56 PM

  3. #3
    Data Registrazione
    May 2004
    Ho fatto stacchi da terra con 0,22kg!


    Io diko ke l'uniko integratore essenziale è il cibo.

  4. #4
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005



    il cibo e' fondamentale (leggi prima parte dell' articolo).

    Gli integratori, (se l' allenamento , il recupero e il cibo sono perfetti) fanno la differenza, credimi! L' essenziale e' saperli usare, dosare e non esagerare e sapere quelli che sono supportati da ricerche e che funzionano; e' questo lo spirito del mio post.
    Ultima modifica di shorinryu; 30-06-2005 alle 12:55 PM

  5. #5
    Data Registrazione
    May 2004
    Ho fatto stacchi da terra con 0,22kg!


    Si, fanno la differenza sul portafoglio.
    Abbiamo detto molte volte ke la parola integratore dice tutto da sola: un integratore supplisce ad una mankanza. Nient'altro.

  6. #6
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005


    A squali,

    l' integratore serve per accorciare il tempo per ottenere risultati (seguendo una dieta e un training idoneo). Quindi quello che dici e' un ovvieta'. Io lavoro come ricercatore ad un dipartimento di scienza dello sport a Londra e ti posso mandare milioni di ricerche via medline su tutti quelli testati che funzionano.

    Questo post e' utile perche' chiunque decida di usare integratori ha un punto di riferimento da cui partire, e come dici tu evita che butti soldi con integratori o formule copiate come quelle dello ZMA che non funzionano.



    so che e' in inglese...., ma se leggi attentamente l ' articolo vedrai che nessuno dice che fanno miracoli SE NON CE UNA ALIMENTAZIONE IDONEA ma e lo stesso per gli steroidi.

    Alcuni integratori (che non si trovano in Italia) Specialmente i pro-hormones, CEE etc funzionano e come, tanto che funzionano che il congresso americano ha vietatio i pro-hormones in america (non sono vietati in gran bretagna) e che i nuovi sostituti dei pro-hormoni Superdrol, Max lg etc sono sempre a rischio

    Vai un po in giro sui i forum di bodybuilding americani e vedrai quanta gente fa i cicli di CEE, etc fa le recensioni ai supplementi e ottiene risultati. Il fatto che alcuni prodotti non sono disponibile in italia or non vengono prodotti da case italiane che sono o arretrate o bloccate dalle leggi italiane NON VUOL DIRE CHE NON ESISTONO!!!
    Ultima modifica di shorinryu; 30-06-2005 alle 02:21 PM

  7. #7
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2003


    Nulla di nuovo sotto il sole, quello ch abbiamo ripetuto fino a rimanere senza voce, se non c'è la dieta un integratore non serve a nulla, alcuni non servono a nulla indipendentemente dalla dieta, gli stessi non fanno miracoli, ed andrebbero usati in modo molto diverso da come si vorrebbe fossero usati, cose dette in particolare con riferimento alle proteine.

    Cmq se parliamo di pro-ormoni ci si dovrebbe chiedere allora dove finisce la classe degli integratori ed inizia quello dei farmaci, ciò che può essere considerato natural e ciò che non lo è, ed anche qui abbiamo dicsusso alla noia, anche con punti di vista personali.ù

    Alla fine poi i soliti interpreteranno le cose come vogliono.....funziona? bene allora lo prendo....voglio fare il passo avanti? bene integro....cosa posso prendere? tempi e dosi....poi se cerchi di spiegare che quelle domande non possono avere risposta, bè allora vedrai che non vogliono risposte serie, vogliono grammature ed orari.

    Insomma un migliaio di post nel link precedente credo che possono chiarire a tutti che il discorso non è integrare si o no e limitatatemente a ciò, ma tant'è che viene recepito solo il fatto che si è contro all'uso dei supplementi a priori....
    Due cose sono infinite: l’universo e la stupidità umana, ma riguardo l’universo ho ancora dei dubbi.
    - Albert Einstein -

  8. #8
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005


    si ok e quindi ??????

    Il post serve per dare un idea alle persone che hanno deciso di prendere supplements, quali sono quelli testati da milioni di persone e che funzionano. Ho letto un sacco di post su persone confuse come usare alcuni supplementi (esempio lo ZMA -che poi tra parentesi la formula corretta non e' prodotta in Italia)

    E' una lista con piu' opzioni con pro e contro a secondo dell' obbietivo da raggiungere, niente di piu' niente di meno

    Va da se':

    1) che vanno presi in combinazione con una buona dieta

    2) bisogna essere consapevoli che per alcuni di questi integratori (perche' efficaci) ci possono essere degli effetti collaterali (che vengono minimizzati se si conoscono a fondo) mi riferisco a prodotti come pro-ormoni o prodotti come superdrol, max lg che sono altamente anabolizzanti ma non soft sul fegato (quindi c'e bisogno di prendelri con integratori epatoprotettori etc...). Poi ce' bisogno di fare un ciclo di ripristino testosterone con anti estrogeni etc...Quindi prima di prenderli bisogna leggere molto e essere sicuri di come usarli. (Io mi faccio un check up completo ogni volta che finisco il ciclo e facciamo le corna sono ok). Vanno usati con parsimonia e per brevi cicli

    Io per esempio sono stato uno dei primi a provare la creatina ethyl ester, che sta rendendo in america e UK la monoidrata obsoleta perche' 100% piu' assorbibile, l' aumento di peso non e' dovuto a acqua, ed e' efficace per quelle persone che non risposndono bene all mono.

    Volevo inoltre sottolineare che esistono supplementi che funzionano (e rispondere agli scettici che si basano su quei pochi obsoleti venduti in italia) che il fatto che non si vendono in italia non deve limitare le persone. In america le universita' e case produttrici investono un sacco di soldi in ricerca....Basta andare sui forum americani e inglesi per vedere per esempio l' efficacia di SUPERDROL o Max Lg , CEE , e per esempio il nuovo mobilizzatore di grasso della DS Melting point che usa modified fatty acids e che ha dato dei risultati impressionanti.....

    Detto cio' complimenti per il forum perche' interessante
    Ultima modifica di shorinryu; 02-07-2005 alle 03:19 PM

  9. #9
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2004


    sarà difficile ottenere una risposta positiva al riguardo degli integratori, quali che siano, su questo forum.
    O un "che te ne fai " se non si può negare la loro proprietà; oppure un "sciocchezze" in altri casi.
    A me poi fa sorridere la mistica del " cibo che è tutto" e della paritetica " portafoglio" riferita agli integratori.
    Come se cibo di qualità e abbondante non costasse un sacco di soldi.
    Poi credo che certe verità tipo "il cibo è tutto" vengano ripetute a memoria ed io vorrei aggiungere "et cum spirito tuo".

  10. #10
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005

    Predefinito risposta

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da ^Squall^
    Si, fanno la differenza sul portafoglio.
    Abbiamo detto molte volte ke la parola integratore dice tutto da sola: un integratore supplisce ad una mankanza. Nient'altro.
    questa è bella
    sei un mito

  11. #11
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005

    Predefinito continuo

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da ^Squall^
    Io diko ke l'uniko integratore essenziale è il cibo.
    parole sagge ma purtroppo è difficile non andare dietro a tante pubblicità o al fatto che non sempre hai apportata da mangiare...

  12. #12
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da shorinryu
    A squali,

    l' integratore serve per accorciare il tempo per ottenere risultati (seguendo una dieta e un training idoneo). Quindi quello che dici e' un ovvieta'. Io lavoro come ricercatore ad un dipartimento di scienza dello sport a Londra e ti posso mandare milioni di ricerche via medline su tutti quelli testati che funzionano.

    Questo post e' utile perche' chiunque decida di usare integratori ha un punto di riferimento da cui partire, e come dici tu evita che butti soldi con integratori o formule copiate come quelle dello ZMA che non funzionano.



    so che e' in inglese...., ma se leggi attentamente l ' articolo vedrai che nessuno dice che fanno miracoli SE NON CE UNA ALIMENTAZIONE IDONEA ma e lo stesso per gli steroidi.

    Alcuni integratori (che non si trovano in Italia) Specialmente i pro-hormones, CEE etc funzionano e come, tanto che funzionano che il congresso americano ha vietatio i pro-hormones in america (non sono vietati in gran bretagna) e che i nuovi sostituti dei pro-hormoni Superdrol, Max lg etc sono sempre a rischio

    Vai un po in giro sui i forum di bodybuilding americani e vedrai quanta gente fa i cicli di CEE, etc fa le recensioni ai supplementi e ottiene risultati. Il fatto che alcuni prodotti non sono disponibile in italia or non vengono prodotti da case italiane che sono o arretrate o bloccate dalle leggi italiane NON VUOL DIRE CHE NON ESISTONO!!!
    visto che penso che te ne intendi... ma le ULTRA USEWHEY WPI (PROTEINE DEL SIERO DEL LATTE) sono buone? e se prese più del dosaggio normale hanno problemi sul fisico o sulla salute?. grazie

  13. #13
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005


    Finalmente una risposta sensata per Ham2
    Ultima modifica di shorinryu; 02-07-2005 alle 06:18 PM

  14. #14
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005


    ci sono due tipi di whey, concentrate e isolate

    Whey protein isolate derivano dall’ latte e hanno il piu’ alto valore biologico e contengono molte piu’ proteine e meno grasso e lattosio delle whey normali. Sono migliori per ottenere muscoli? Non necessariamente, tutti i tipi di whey sono facilmente assorbibili dai muscoli e soft sul sistema digestivo specialmente per le persone intolloranti al lattosio.

    Per quanto riguarda quante proteine mangiare assicurati 1-1,5 grammi di proteine al giorno x kg corporeo tra cibo (la maggior parte) e integratori e bevi molta acqua. un dieta iperproteica fa male solo alle persone con patologie...
    Ultima modifica di shorinryu; 02-07-2005 alle 06:38 PM

  15. #15
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2005

    Predefinito ciao

    comunque fanno male prese più di quello indicato?

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Siamo nati nel 1999 sul Freeweb. Abbiamo avuto alti e bassi, ma come recita il motto No Pain, No Gain, ci siamo sempre rialzati. Abbiamo collaborato con quella che al tempo era superEva del gruppo Dada Spa con le nostre Guide al Bodybuilding e al Fitness, abbiamo avuto collaborazioni internazionali, ad esempio con la reginetta dell’Olympia Monica Brant, siamo stati uno dei primi forum italiani dedicati al bodybuilding , abbiamo inaugurato la fiera èFitness con gli amici Luigi Colbax e Vania Villa e molto altro . . . parafrasando un celebre motto . . . di ghisa sotto i ponti ne è passata! ma siamo ancora qui e ci resteremo per molto tempo ancora. Grazie per aver scelto
Unisciti a noi !
